Sunday, January 4, 2009

Bible Reading Plan

Have you made a resolution to spend more time reading your Bible? Or would you just like to have a more structured plan in reading through the word of God?

Bible study is important. But sadly it's something that we often neglect as time goes on. Even with the work I do in preparing sermons and articles every week, I still always feel like I'm missing something. In all the study and preparation I do, the thing that becomes hard to keep up with is simply reading the Bible.

If you have a busy schedule too, you may well run into this problem as well - habitual reading and casual study of God's word.

I'm going to follow a different plan over the next few months than what I've tried in the past. Most Bible reading plans have you read through the Bible in a year. The plan I'll be following will focus just on the New Testament and will take 6 months to complete, reading about 2 chapters a day.

Interested in doing this too? Check out Edwin Crozier's website - Give Attention to Reading. He's the one who came up with the reading schedule. Plus, the site contains a blog where he will be posting short comments about each day's reading. You can subscribe and receive reminders and comments about the scheduled reading (to help keep you on track). You can even add your own comments if you'd like to do so.

Regardless of what plan or method you use to study the Bible, I encourage you to be diligent about it. We cannot please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6), and the only way we can get faith is through the word of God (Romans 10:17). Use whatever method of study will most help you "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord" (2 Peter 3:18).

If you want to read through the New Testament over the next 6 months, check out Give Attention to Reading. I have a link to it over in the right column as well.


Anonymous said...

Hey Andy, thanks so much for this great recommendation. I believe this next six months will be a great time of spiritual growth for everyone involved.

split_rock said...

Thanks for the reminder, Andy. I've been meaning to subscribe. We're embarking on the 5 Day Bible Reading Program, too, that will take us through the whole Bible in a year. But I like the accompanying comments with Edwin's program -- will try to keep up with both!

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